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Focus Point Mental Health offers an array of services to our Communities and strives to be the better help.

Explore our options below or use the button to get started now!

Thinking Man on Couch


Our mental health skill-building program is designed to help you strengthen your emotional resilience, improve communication skills, and increase self-awareness. With our evidence-based approach, you will learn how to develop coping strategies and build healthy habits to maintain a positive mindset. Let us guide you on your journey to mental wellness and start building the skills you need to thrive today.



Our Intensive In Home services provide children and families with the support they need to manage mental health challenges in the home setting. We understand that every child is different and requires a personalized approach. That's why our team of experienced professionals works with families to create a treatment plan tailored to the child's needs, with the goal of improving their mental, emotional, and behavioral well-being.


Drum Band

At Focus Point Mental Health, we are passionate about helping individuals that are struggling with mental health challenges. Our Psychosocial Rehabilitation for group sessions provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to focus on their mental health. We work with each person individually to identify their needs to create customized treatment plans that work. Rest assured that when you come to Focus Point Mental Health, you are in good hands with caring and compassionate professionals.



Group therapy

When it comes to mental health, support and stability are crucial. That's why our team at Focus Point Mental Health strives to provide the best possible care for those in need. Our community stabilization and 23-hour crisis house offer a safe and welcoming space for anyone who needs help navigating a mental health crisis. With our compassionate and experienced team, you'll always feel supported.

SAIOP AddiCtion center


At Focus Point Mental Health our addiction support staff, understand that overcoming addiction can be a difficult journey. That's why we offer a comprehensive program that emphasizes the importance of whole-person care. Our professionals are committed to working with you through every step of your recovery journey, providing the support and guidance you need to succeed.


Outpatient therapy

We provide outpatient therapy services for those seeking help with their mental and emotional struggles. With an emphasis on creating a safe and supportive environment, I strive to help my clients overcome their difficulties and achieve personal growth.

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